Event Summary

Thank you to the generous Pacifichem 2021 Sponsors:  

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About Pacifichem

The 2021 International Chemical Congress of Pacific Basin Societies will take place virtually, December 16-21, 2021. Pacifichem 2021 was the eighth in the series of successful co-sponsored scientific conferences of Pacific Basin Chemical Societies. Founded in 1984, these conferences have been held in Honolulu, Hawaii about every five years. In 2021 the event was held virtually. 

Sponsoring Societies

*The Chemical Society of Japan (CSJ) is the host society for the 2021 Congress.

Pacifichem Symposia

View the list of Pacifichem 2021 Symposia on the Pacifichem Website. View all sessions and attend live presentations (registered attendees who are logged in only) by going to the Full Schedule & My Itinerary Page within the virtual congress platform. 

On-Demand Presentations

The live virtual congress took place December 16-21, 2021. On-demand presentations will be viewable through January 2022. Access through the menu on the left of the screen (you must be registered to access).